Magic Hour Cannabis Receives Development Grant

Magic Hour Cannabis has been selected as 1 of 5 Cannabis Businesses in Oregon to received development funding from NuLeaf Project, a branch of Prosper Portland’s Cannabis Business Development Equity Program. All 5 recipients are minority run cannabis business currently making big waves in Oregon! Read the full press release here.

About NuLeaf Project

NuLeaf Project’s goal is to increase success outcomes for people of color in cannabis either as business owners or high-earning professionals. NuLeaf Project’s work is specifically designed to address the capital, education, and connection hurdles that people of color face when entering the cannabis industry. NuLeaf Project does this by granting funds to cannabis businesses, educating and upskilling cannabis entrepreneurs, and creating career pipelines for cannabis professionals with priority given to African Americans, Native Americans, and Latino Americans, the communities disproportionately targeted by cannabis criminalization. NuLeaf Project is a non-profit supported primarily by the City of Portland’s historic reinvestment (the first city to ever do so) of cannabis tax revenue into the communities most negatively impacted cannabis criminalization.

Adriana Carlile